On Friday I was awoken at 6:30AM by Calum calling me to tell me he was bored. I hate Calum. However, after about thirty seconds I realised that it was Summer in the City and I had a gathering to get to and a train to catch. After some rushing and some panicking over nearly missing my bus, I made it on the train to Sheffield to meet Conor and Johnny. I'll spare you all the boring details about Conor's train getting cancelled and me spending an hour in a strange city watching homeless people steal newspapers. Next on my itenerary was spending the good part of an hour not moving in a traffic jam near Derby and getting lost just before entering central London.
After succesfully delivering Conor to his desired location I met up with Sarah, Beckie and Laura to have fun times in London which involved McDonalds and a sudden rainstorm-- so not really fun times at all. I don't remember much else about Friday other than making friends with some people due to a debate about Digimon and getting pushed into a wall by a zombie and bleeding. A lot.
I then had a night with nearly no sleep at all because of the constant tintinnabulation* I was forced to experience. I spent the next day getting unknowingly sunburned in Hyde Park and approaching random people to say "he'ey". Saturday was the best day mainly because I bought a Miley Cyrus book, saw some puppies and got to keep my vodka at the venue on the night time. The only downside would be the scary walk to the station by myself at eleven thirty-- but after my overdramatic, distressing tweet Orla and Amy called me to make sure that I was still, y'know... breathing?
I had encounters with a lady with no teeth and a drunk man who smiled at me but managed to get to the hostel in one piece thanks to Beckie's determination and running skills. I slept better that night, probably because a few people had said "see you tomorrow" which made me smile as that never happens with internet people. The Sunday consisted of lollipops, homeless people and pigeon feathers-- which make a delightful combination. And then I went home, which I have no desire to write about because I miss London terribly.
*I'm really happy that I got the chance to use tintinnabulation in a real sentence. It means 'the rining of bells' (FYI, my hostel was near St. Paul's Cathedral).
Last night, I had this nightmare where my school, for just one subject, had to move to this building in the bad side of town. The building was next to a sandwhich shop and we became friends with the owner-- who had a great resemblance to Luke from Gilmore Girls. A creepy old man who was really odd, but still nice, lived on the other side of the building. Long story short, some form of zombie virus is formed and the old man gets it, but it's really weird and creates a zombie clone of you too. So you have a zombie clone AND the original with the brain craving-- but he's still humanly smart. Then I'm in a bathroom with my mum and we see three huge spiders so I get rid of them and realise (somehow) that the new influx of giant spiders caused it. Then my mum and I plan to get on a train to, uh, Italy for, wait for it, £15! I go and tell my dad but he has the virus and tries to eat me. I learn that the new spiders were threatened, and they infected people who weren't afraid of them-- like the old guy and my dad, and not my mum. I think I survived because I figured it out... and the fact I woke up, of course.
I'm guessing I had this dream for two reasons:
1) I watched The Happening last night.
2) I also caught a spider before bed.
I'm guessing I had this dream for two reasons:
1) I watched The Happening last night.
2) I also caught a spider before bed.
Wow, so... this is awkward. I'm sorry for leaving you, Blogspot. I truly am! It didn't work out with Wordpress. Wanna give it another go? Okay, cool.
My summer is almost over, it wasn’t eventful but in a strange way it was. I haven’t ventured out with my friends an awful lot; but oddly, I’m okay with that. It was a very YouTube orientated summer, which was very different and wonderful. I got out of school early, had Vivien stay with me for like two weeks and we did a variety of different things and I spent some time with Lana which I probably wouldn’t have done if I didn’t have an American to amuse. Vivien was like bait, I suppose. A worm. I used her to hook in my friends to spend time with me. Like skipping school to see the latest Harry Potter film. Or, maybe she’s like a nice shiney piece of tinfoil. Either way, I’m refering to my friend Lana as a bird or a fish.
Other than having an American eat my food and what not, I didn’t do much. I saw some friends, got questioned by the police, found a new love for Lady GaGa and went a variety of nights without sleep. I also saw some sharks, that was pretty cool.
Next week, I will be going to London to spend three days with people I met online. Yeah, I know how to party. I’m looking forward to that a lot. I also passed my AS Levels with good grades, not as good as I would have hoped, but hey, they were good, at least. I’ll have to work a lot harder next year if my dreams of going here or here are to happen. And who knows, maybe I will actually keep up with this blog this year!
My summer is almost over, it wasn’t eventful but in a strange way it was. I haven’t ventured out with my friends an awful lot; but oddly, I’m okay with that. It was a very YouTube orientated summer, which was very different and wonderful. I got out of school early, had Vivien stay with me for like two weeks and we did a variety of different things and I spent some time with Lana which I probably wouldn’t have done if I didn’t have an American to amuse. Vivien was like bait, I suppose. A worm. I used her to hook in my friends to spend time with me. Like skipping school to see the latest Harry Potter film. Or, maybe she’s like a nice shiney piece of tinfoil. Either way, I’m refering to my friend Lana as a bird or a fish.
Other than having an American eat my food and what not, I didn’t do much. I saw some friends, got questioned by the police, found a new love for Lady GaGa and went a variety of nights without sleep. I also saw some sharks, that was pretty cool.
Next week, I will be going to London to spend three days with people I met online. Yeah, I know how to party. I’m looking forward to that a lot. I also passed my AS Levels with good grades, not as good as I would have hoped, but hey, they were good, at least. I’ll have to work a lot harder next year if my dreams of going here or here are to happen. And who knows, maybe I will actually keep up with this blog this year!
The "thatoctopus" comparison:

Zach believes that we are very similar, and I disagree. He thinks that we should make a collab channel called "thatoctopus", and I disagree... once again. He doesn't think he has poofy hair, and I disagree. Get the point? I AM NOT LIKE THATFREAKINGZAK. -_-
Reasons I am like Zach:
- Alledgedly, we are both jerks.
- We both prefered the anime of Digimon to Pokémon.
- We both always chose the water type in the Pokémon games.
Reasons I am NOT like Zach:
- I do not have poofy hair.
- I do not own a penis.
- "I don't suck"- contributed by Leah. ("THAT DOESN'T COUNT"- Zach.)
- He likes the Welsh-- and I do not. :]
Feel free to contribute more. ^__^
A shining new era is tip-toeing nearer...
I hate England. I'm rather annoyed that I have to stay in England all through the summer. I have a lot of money. My own money... because I save it. I can do what I want with my money, and I'll be seventeen in a matter of months so... yeah. There is just one thing stopping me for waddling around various corners of places that arent' in England: college. Urgh. Last summer, they let us leave after our exams... so I left in early June. This year, they are making us stay and start next year's work already. It's so pointless. So, I have to stay in college untill July 17th. I think that Leah and Vivien are coming on the 13th or something... so I'll skip the last few days. I have August to stuff in, but that will still involve England. I don't care about Summer In The City anymore, just because it's in England. I've already been to London once this year. It smells sickening and I always feel bad because the homeless people sometimes make me laugh a little. I don't know whether to keep saving my money, on the off chance that I could go somewhere this year... or blow it all on a Macbook. The choice is: evil-country-that-must-die V.S pretty-computer-that-doesn't-turn-itself-off. *Sigh* So, all in all...
Ich liebe dich.
I feel really sick at the moment. I want some juice but I can't bring myself to get up to get any. Two minutes ago, I was absolutely freezing-- now I feel like i'm gonna boil to death. My dad says I have to go to bed at eleven tonight, but I'll probably just play Pokémon in bed or go on mobile Twitter or something. I don't want to go to school tomorrow but I'll be really behind on ICT if I miss a lesson... even though I haven't finished any of the work. I can't wait untill June, and I'll never have to ICT ever again. Ever. Speaking of things I don't want to do ever again: maths. I SUCK at maths. I sat my maths GCSE last year-- and failed. I took it again and failed once more. I'm the only one in the group of kids who failed for the second time who is trying again. Everyone else gave up. I don't even know if I need it for university or not. I already have my ALAN thingy in maths (Adult Literacy and Numeracy... it was easyyyy. ^_^) But... oh God... I can't carry on... I wanna go vomit or something.
Space Travel
Today I cleaned my room. And when I say "cleaned", I mean, REALLY cleaned it. My mother didn't tell me to do it. I have come to the conclusion that when she makes me clean it, I either A) won't do it or B) do it half heartedly. But, whilst I was cleaning, I found all of my American money and then got sad. I also found lots of my old Disneyworld tickets so I put them in photo collage thing-- which now consists of New York, London and Florida things (like tickets... yeah, I'm lame like that.) I also found my iPod, which is great because I swore that I had lost it. So, the whole day has consisted of cleaning, Animal Cops Arizona, The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mockingbird. Truthfully, I shouldn't be reading the latter, but I hatehatehatehatehate A Streetcar Named Desire and I'm fed up of writing about death and desire.
"Above this dull apartment view,
oh, I will suround you."
I was in a call with Leah last night, and I was discussing how I am picking up other people's mannerisms and stuff. Like, I never used to swear as much as I do now... and I blame two things for this. 1) iminlikewithyou and 2) Vivien. Another thing I have started to do is say "what the crap", which is a total Leah-esque thing to say. Oh, I also say "y'all" now, which is again, due to Leah. In fact, there is more. I listen to Christian rap now... stupid southern girl getting me addicted.
Speaking of God, I read the whole of that bible from New York at the weekend. It doesn't even tell me how to repent! False advertising, much?
EDIT: I just @replied Bridget on Twitter, and called her "/b/"... guessing I've subconciously taken that from Adam?
I was in a call with Leah last night, and I was discussing how I am picking up other people's mannerisms and stuff. Like, I never used to swear as much as I do now... and I blame two things for this. 1) iminlikewithyou and 2) Vivien. Another thing I have started to do is say "what the crap", which is a total Leah-esque thing to say. Oh, I also say "y'all" now, which is again, due to Leah. In fact, there is more. I listen to Christian rap now... stupid southern girl getting me addicted.
Speaking of God, I read the whole of that bible from New York at the weekend. It doesn't even tell me how to repent! False advertising, much?
EDIT: I just @replied Bridget on Twitter, and called her "/b/"... guessing I've subconciously taken that from Adam?
Brrrrrap, homeboy.

"Yo, faggot! Buy two gerbils so the fuckers can talk and shit."
My keyboard is now deciding it does not like the 's' key. See? I had to hit that, like... three times to get it to work. Darn computer. Anyway, so, I'm writing this blog because I am infact very thirsty, which is an odd reason to be spilling my thoughts onto the interwebz, I know... but, still: I am thirsty. My mother hasn't gotten any drinks yet, she thinks that just because she is getting married in like two weeks, I don't deserve to be provided with drinks. Bitch. *Lesigh* I'm quite looking forward to the two weeks I get to stay at my dad's when she is in Jamaica. Even though, let's face it, I'll probably never eat and be late for college everyday. He is the "fun parent", otherwise known as the "irresponsible parent".
My mother is actually home tonight... boo. This means that I'll have to be in the freezing cold lounge if I want to be nocturnal tonight. I'm kinda dreading moving house, incase I won't be able to Skype as often. But, if I don't have Skype, what will I do? Because I certainly don't plan to ever leave my bedroom unless absolutely necessary. Oh, there goes that darn 's' key again... But, yeah, I'm thinking of buying a mini fridge, haha. Bleh, maybe she'll finally go get me some damn drinks soon... we can only hope, right?
Head for hills-- the kitchen's on fire!
Username: omgoctopus (pronounced: oh-em-gee-octopus. Not oh-my-god-octopus, not -oh-my-goctopus and not om-goctopus.)
Why did you pick it?: I like alliterations and I like octopi. Problem?
Who did you first subscribe to?: Nerimon, on this account. Whataboutadam, originally, I think.
Who did you most recently subscribe to?: Vivien's second account, I think.
What does your last text message say?: Oh, God... it's from a YouTuber, what does this say about my life? "I'm going to sleep now that I've had my tiny bit of fun! :D Goodnight Octopusface xxxxxxx"- BethOnTop
Do you have any goals?: Leave England. Now.
What was the last thing you bought?: Uh... new hair?
Describe the person who posted this using one line?: He's a Southern, poofy haired jerk that molests himself on camera.
Are you excited about anything?: Leah and Vivien and Summer In The City.
Do you have a crush? I have a crush on the internet.
Have you ever been drunk?: I'm far too classy for that, plz. ;D
Who was the first Youtube you met in real life?: itscalum010... he attacked me with a hug before I even knew it was him.
Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: LauraTheSmall!
Do you prefer day or night?: Night time for me, day time for America. <3
Are you a member of any collab channels?: Eww, no.
Do you have a secret account?: My first account. Aww, baby Rosy.
Do you believe in God?: If you give me proof, I will. Agnostic FTW!
Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: Leah, Vivien (when she's online :/), Adam, Bridget, Jeremy, Justin and jerkfa-- uh, I mean Zach. ^__^
Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: communitychannel? idkkkkk...
Are you in a relationship?: Facebook married to Vivien. :]
Would you date a smoker?: Eww, that would taste icky.
Where is your favorite place?: Your bed. No, it's America. Or maybe America's bed? Does America have a bed? Or is it like a tectonic plate or something?
Are you a happy person?: If I'm awake when I'm supposed to be sleeping, I'm delightful!
Would you kiss the person who posted this?: Zach answered this for me:
[22:13:02] Zak: and for the part that says
[22:13:08] Zak: would you kiss the person that posted this?
[22:13:08] Zak: you put
[22:13:12] Zak: yes, passionately
What would you take to the desert island?: I'd take Zach, becaus he's bringing the whole of America with him. But, I'd also take a football... y'know, like Wilson in Castaway? I don't like it when he floats away.
Do you prefer sun or snow?: I hate the cold... and it snows when it is cold. However, I hate when it's REALLY warm too.
Who did you last speak to on the phone? My father.
Who did you last text?: BethOnToppppp, yo!
What are you doing tommorow?: College, boo. Unless I totally loose my voice.
What is your favorite flavour of potato chips?: I'm not a huge fan of them, to be honest. O_o (By the way, they are called crips.
What size are your feet?: 3/4 ^__^
What do you want?: Oregon.
What do you need?: Sleep? And to be less sick? And just to be awkward... Oregon? Lulz.
What do you remember?: I have an awful memory.
What do you wish?: Cliché. I wish for all the wishes in the world... ever!
Why did you pick it?: I like alliterations and I like octopi. Problem?
Who did you first subscribe to?: Nerimon, on this account. Whataboutadam, originally, I think.
Who did you most recently subscribe to?: Vivien's second account, I think.
What does your last text message say?: Oh, God... it's from a YouTuber, what does this say about my life? "I'm going to sleep now that I've had my tiny bit of fun! :D Goodnight Octopusface xxxxxxx"- BethOnTop
Do you have any goals?: Leave England. Now.
What was the last thing you bought?: Uh... new hair?
Describe the person who posted this using one line?: He's a Southern, poofy haired jerk that molests himself on camera.
Are you excited about anything?: Leah and Vivien and Summer In The City.
Do you have a crush? I have a crush on the internet.
Have you ever been drunk?: I'm far too classy for that, plz. ;D
Who was the first Youtube you met in real life?: itscalum010... he attacked me with a hug before I even knew it was him.
Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: LauraTheSmall!
Do you prefer day or night?: Night time for me, day time for America. <3
Are you a member of any collab channels?: Eww, no.
Do you have a secret account?: My first account. Aww, baby Rosy.
Do you believe in God?: If you give me proof, I will. Agnostic FTW!
Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: Leah, Vivien (when she's online :/), Adam, Bridget, Jeremy, Justin and jerkfa-- uh, I mean Zach. ^__^
Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: communitychannel? idkkkkk...
Are you in a relationship?: Facebook married to Vivien. :]
Would you date a smoker?: Eww, that would taste icky.
Where is your favorite place?: Your bed. No, it's America. Or maybe America's bed? Does America have a bed? Or is it like a tectonic plate or something?
Are you a happy person?: If I'm awake when I'm supposed to be sleeping, I'm delightful!
Would you kiss the person who posted this?: Zach answered this for me:
[22:13:02] Zak: and for the part that says
[22:13:08] Zak: would you kiss the person that posted this?
[22:13:08] Zak: you put
[22:13:12] Zak: yes, passionately
What would you take to the desert island?: I'd take Zach, becaus he's bringing the whole of America with him. But, I'd also take a football... y'know, like Wilson in Castaway? I don't like it when he floats away.
Do you prefer sun or snow?: I hate the cold... and it snows when it is cold. However, I hate when it's REALLY warm too.
Who did you last speak to on the phone? My father.
Who did you last text?: BethOnToppppp, yo!
What are you doing tommorow?: College, boo. Unless I totally loose my voice.
What is your favorite flavour of potato chips?: I'm not a huge fan of them, to be honest. O_o (By the way, they are called crips.
What size are your feet?: 3/4 ^__^
What do you want?: Oregon.
What do you need?: Sleep? And to be less sick? And just to be awkward... Oregon? Lulz.
What do you remember?: I have an awful memory.
What do you wish?: Cliché. I wish for all the wishes in the world... ever!
"How do you make a dead baby float?"
"You baptise it?"
I love Leah and myself. We're... uh... LCOctopus? OMGsings? Uh... well, we're something, alright. Currently, it is 5AM. I feel one hundred percent absolutely zombie-fied. I want to go to sleep. SKALJKLBJKLLJKJHUIiiH! *Yawns* I keep forgetting i'm writing this blog... I actually started ten minutes ago, I'm just zoning out a lot. I am listening to the sound of Leah. *Sleepsleep* AAAGH! I forgot about it again... but, look:
[05:07:27] Zak: go to sleep
[05:07:48] Rosy: i don't wanna
[05:07:49] Rosy: -_-
[05:08:16] Zak: yes you do
[05:08:20] Zak: bed time
[05:08:22] Zak: now plz
[05:08:47] Rosy: you're right
[05:08:51] Rosy: i do want sleep.
[05:08:57] Rosy: but i'm not gonna go.
I love Leah and myself. We're... uh... LCOctopus? OMGsings? Uh... well, we're something, alright. Currently, it is 5AM. I feel one hundred percent absolutely zombie-fied. I want to go to sleep. SKALJKLBJKLLJKJHUIiiH! *Yawns* I keep forgetting i'm writing this blog... I actually started ten minutes ago, I'm just zoning out a lot. I am listening to the sound of Leah. *Sleepsleep* AAAGH! I forgot about it again... but, look:
[05:07:27] Zak: go to sleep
[05:07:48] Rosy: i don't wanna
[05:07:49] Rosy: -_-
[05:08:16] Zak: yes you do
[05:08:20] Zak: bed time
[05:08:22] Zak: now plz
[05:08:47] Rosy: you're right
[05:08:51] Rosy: i do want sleep.
[05:08:57] Rosy: but i'm not gonna go.
Oh, the thinks you can think!
My inspiration is dead. I'm so worried. I haven't written anything in so long now. It's making me realise that I probably will fail at university. It sucks to know that your future is going absolutely nowhere. Maybe I will end up taking fashion journalism... i'm 50/50 on them both right now. I think that I would enjoy the lifestlye I may get out of LCF more than a creative writing one. And I suppose that it would be lovely to spend three years with my best friend. And it has history and politics and, and, and... and to be honest the only reason I gave up wanting to go to LCF was because my mother said I couldn't do it. She's lovely like that, y'see? Oh, well, I'm finished listening to her right now.
Yeah, so, no inspiration at all. I haven't added to my last story in a few weeks. I feel no emotion for Flora anymore, maybe i'll kill her off? But, I do like Dearing, and I don't want him to be lonely. Also, the last poem that I wrote was about three weeks ago because analysing Tennyson is sucking the creativity right out of my inspiration veins. Lame.
Yeah, so, no inspiration at all. I haven't added to my last story in a few weeks. I feel no emotion for Flora anymore, maybe i'll kill her off? But, I do like Dearing, and I don't want him to be lonely. Also, the last poem that I wrote was about three weeks ago because analysing Tennyson is sucking the creativity right out of my inspiration veins. Lame.
'Cause I'm Mr Brightside.
I went to a pet shop with my dad yesterday. I wanted a tortoise, a parrot, a rabbit or a hamster. I am not allowed any of them. But, I am getting a lobster. Well, quite a few lobsters. That's pretty awesome, right? I refuse to name any of them Hector, sorry, Zombie Chat.
Je suis la lait!
Bleh, because of stupid exams, realistically, bye bye Oregon! :'[ But I have my summer of Leah and Vivien coming up in 5/6 months. Which may include Paris, if we're lucky! Even though I live so close to France, and visited it a fair few times, I have never seen Paris, which sucks. Now, I keep having panic attacks incase I am still at college/doing exams when Leah and Vivien are coming. I'll ask somebody in the year above if I get study leave or not... if we do, then Operation Rovile (Vilero/Lerovi/Virole/Leviro/Rolevi) shall commence! And then hopefully, I will go to America with them after England/Paris. Eeee, so excited for summer now... I do hope that it all pulls off.
Speaking of college, which I gurantee y'all, will be the death of me; I'm gonna fail ICT. I will probably fail Media Studies too, and heck... maybe English Language if I don't stop cutting class. I think I have a fair chance with literature though... because I love it!
Overall, this blog was supposed to say: I hate college, let me go to Oregon now, please. I want summer to come quickly, but not really, because I have my exams. Aaagh, my mind hurts.
P.S- I'm pretty hungry too. Lame.
Speaking of college, which I gurantee y'all, will be the death of me; I'm gonna fail ICT. I will probably fail Media Studies too, and heck... maybe English Language if I don't stop cutting class. I think I have a fair chance with literature though... because I love it!
Overall, this blog was supposed to say: I hate college, let me go to Oregon now, please. I want summer to come quickly, but not really, because I have my exams. Aaagh, my mind hurts.
P.S- I'm pretty hungry too. Lame.
Mine is a gin.
Tonight I went to a party, but as I have to film for Media Studies tomorrow, I had to leave at 11PM. So, my phone battery died, and I could not get in contact with my dad. I had to walk home. By myself. With no jacket. In the dark. At 11PM at night. Ohhh, wait, wait, it gets better! The alley I had to walk down- wait for it- has been the home for many a rape attack! I was awfully scared and freezing cold and I kept seeing shadows that I did not like, not one bit. This has put me in a horrible mood. Not even The Fratellis, Zombie Chat quotations and the American Eagle website can cheer me up. All I want now is just to wrap myself in a very large blanket, watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and talk about the summer with somebody. :/
Turn all the lights down now!
I feel that I always must blog at college whilst eating my Special K Mini Breaks. Yum. I am supposed to be doing another essay on A Streetcar Named Desire, but I detest that play so five of us from literature are refusing to do. I'll just use the old Rosy Bea charm on her. ;] I'm hackin' the school's internet and having a rave to Blink 182 using my Skype headset, I look so lame right now. I think i'm gonna go through the Zombie Chat and put all of the inside jokes and funny/cute quotations and put them on one huge word document. I do love the Zombie Chat. I love spamming Twitter about the Zombie Chat. I also love Leah, even though she left the Zombie Chat. If things to to plan, we'll be raping each other's houses this summer. It shall be "that's what she said" galore!
Wanna know what you're missing in the Zombie Chat?
"[18:53:54] Adam says: and the rape has to be rape with protection at the very least...
[18:53:58] Adam says: because dammit,
[18:54:06] Adam says: i am a christian AND a conservative
[18:54:16] Adam says: but if you ever got pregnant with brian peppers' baby
[18:54:22] Adam says: i would abort that sonofabitch myself."
Wanna know what you're missing in the Zombie Chat?
"[18:53:54] Adam says: and the rape has to be rape with protection at the very least...
[18:53:58] Adam says: because dammit,
[18:54:06] Adam says: i am a christian AND a conservative
[18:54:16] Adam says: but if you ever got pregnant with brian peppers' baby
[18:54:22] Adam says: i would abort that sonofabitch myself."
Sic Transit Gloria
So, today I had an epiphany, if you will... I decided I do want to go to America this summer afterall. Here is my list of reasons why:
1) I wanna try Milk Duds.
2) I wanna try Oreo Poptarts.
3) I wanna try Count Chocula.
4) I wanna touch thatzak's hair.
5) I wanna be gangsta in Atlanta with mah homegurl, LCSsings, yo!
6) I wanna be on the same timezone as some of my best friends for once.
7) I wanna make all my IRL friends jealous.
8) I wanna drink my body weight in Mountain Dew... again.
9) I wanna bring the Americans some Irn Bru to try.
10) I wanna go to America again. D:
1) I wanna try Milk Duds.
2) I wanna try Oreo Poptarts.
3) I wanna try Count Chocula.
4) I wanna touch thatzak's hair.
5) I wanna be gangsta in Atlanta with mah homegurl, LCSsings, yo!
6) I wanna be on the same timezone as some of my best friends for once.
7) I wanna make all my IRL friends jealous.
8) I wanna drink my body weight in Mountain Dew... again.
9) I wanna bring the Americans some Irn Bru to try.
10) I wanna go to America again. D:
Today I went to the Sheffield Gathering. When I got there, I couldn't see anyone I knew and felt all "uhhh... crap" but then Calum, like, attacked me... so that was a fun way to say hello. I then met Laura (thesmall... who is infact taller than me :|), and we spoke untill Sarah and Amber and others came. We sat on the floor and filmed stuff untill other people came. We then set off to go to the center, and when some of us went in Starbucks... the rest walked off. Then we split up for lunch, so Calum, Laura, Sarah, Amber, Michelle and I went to McDonalds... and I usually hate McDonalds but it was okay today.
Calum then ditched us... and we all got lost. So we filmed lots of random stuff to amuse us! When we found everyone again (no thanks to Calum), we set off once again and went to the Winter Gardens (or something like that). This is when I saw Hatti and she gave me like the greatest hug in the universe! It hurt though... ouch. ¬_¬ Then Ian attacked me, before getting told off for climbing the fountain. We went into a coffee shop then, and all crowded round a few small tables. We attempted to play Frustration... but that didn't work. O_o After a wonderful clip I filmed with Hatti, and after I attacked Calum a few more times, Laura and I set off to the station. I have a Team HatticusLex badge, two glow stick bracelets and a Frustration piece that Ian gave me, despite it not belonging to him to begin with. I then had to attempt to find my father without any battery in my phone, 'cause I'm smart like that.
I did hug some lovely YouTubers when I left though. ^_^ (Hatti's hug still won. It's gonna be hard for someone to compete with that.)
Calum then ditched us... and we all got lost. So we filmed lots of random stuff to amuse us! When we found everyone again (no thanks to Calum), we set off once again and went to the Winter Gardens (or something like that). This is when I saw Hatti and she gave me like the greatest hug in the universe! It hurt though... ouch. ¬_¬ Then Ian attacked me, before getting told off for climbing the fountain. We went into a coffee shop then, and all crowded round a few small tables. We attempted to play Frustration... but that didn't work. O_o After a wonderful clip I filmed with Hatti, and after I attacked Calum a few more times, Laura and I set off to the station. I have a Team HatticusLex badge, two glow stick bracelets and a Frustration piece that Ian gave me, despite it not belonging to him to begin with. I then had to attempt to find my father without any battery in my phone, 'cause I'm smart like that.
I did hug some lovely YouTubers when I left though. ^_^ (Hatti's hug still won. It's gonna be hard for someone to compete with that.)
If you miss me, have no fear!
I find it pretty hilarious that I hated when I learnt French, German and Japanese but now that I've quit I miss them. Well, I don't miss Japanese that much. I miss German so badly, yet, I used to hate it! D:
I just read Vivien's latest blog entry... she get's to skip class to go buy Starbucks. I get to skip class and go play video games. The difference? She lives in LA and I live in... England *shudders*.
Sooooo, I go to the Sheffield YouTube gathering on Saturday. I finally get to meet a few people who I've been speaking to for a while! And then, Saturday is my home alone night... which means... SKYPE ALL NIGHT! Ooooh, I love my messed up sleep patterns.
I just read Vivien's latest blog entry... she get's to skip class to go buy Starbucks. I get to skip class and go play video games. The difference? She lives in LA and I live in... England *shudders*.
Sooooo, I go to the Sheffield YouTube gathering on Saturday. I finally get to meet a few people who I've been speaking to for a while! And then, Saturday is my home alone night... which means... SKYPE ALL NIGHT! Ooooh, I love my messed up sleep patterns.
i luv mah fanboyz! <3
[04:37:15] Justin says: omgoctopus
[04:37:19] Justin says: *SO DREAMY*
[04:37:27] Adam says: OMFG I NO
[04:37:34] Jeremy says: inorite!
[04:37:58] Adam says: liek omg
[04:38:08] Adam says: i dont even no how 2 describ it
[04:38:35] Adam says: its liek
[04:38:38] Adam says: u look @ her
[04:38:43] Adam says: and all of a sudden
[04:38:45] Adam says: O_O
[04:38:46] Adam says: jizz in
I can't get you out of my hair.
It's 3:00 AM and I have an ICT exam tomorrow. I'm going to fail it. Balls. 0_o Today was boring, to be honest. I went to bed at 5AM, woke up at 10AM, spoke to Justin and Kimmi on Skype for 30 minutes or so and then went back to sleep. I woke up at 14:30, and told Chago my elaborate murder plan. I then went to my friend's house, and then saw Twilight. I then had the joys of walking home in the dark by myself. That was horrible. Then I went back to the accurately named "Zombie Chat" for a few hours, with various calls happening. I watched a few BlogTV shows and now here I am... because everyone has just stopped speaking. I think there's a call but i'm not in it. I'm too tired to go to bed. ¬_¬ Night.
It's not a side effect of the cocaine, I am thinking it must be love.
Apparantly my Skype contacts blog was too hard and too... uh... harsh. If you still haven't figured yourself out, *points downwards* GO DO IT NOW! ^_^ According to Leah, I caused quite a few little worries over who was in the mean category. I love causing conundrums, hence why I should be a Slytherin and not a stinking Ravenclaw, THAT WEBSITE LIES! :'[
I go back to to college tomorrow, I have an ICT exam within the next few days and I honestly have no idea which day because I lost the exam timetable. I haven't even started revising, even though I got an ungradable on the practice text ¬_¬ It's not my fault though... the whole class failed because our teacher doesn't teach us anything relevent... he just plays Nintendo Wii. I honestly have no idea why I chose ICT this year, it's horrible subject. I should have chosen classical civilisations... :/
I need to finish reading Death Note but my stupid mother keeps forgetting to bring it home from my soon-to-be-step-dad's house. Oh, speaking of, I move houses in just over a month... I don't want to! I love this house... as small as it may be. My new bedroom is absolutely freezing, it's gorgeous, but it's freezing. But if this house doesn't rent out then when Leah and Vivien come to England we will stay here and have house raves every night... and broadcast them on BlogTV. ^_^
But, ooooh, guess what?! My self dicipline is getting, slightly, better. Last night, after I turned the computer off, I was checking mobile Twitter, and was informed that Adam was live (as he does everynight after I go to "sleep" ¬_¬), and all my friends were tweeting that they were there... so I was gonna go back online... BUT I RESISTED! Are you proud, guys? ^_^
I go back to to college tomorrow, I have an ICT exam within the next few days and I honestly have no idea which day because I lost the exam timetable. I haven't even started revising, even though I got an ungradable on the practice text ¬_¬ It's not my fault though... the whole class failed because our teacher doesn't teach us anything relevent... he just plays Nintendo Wii. I honestly have no idea why I chose ICT this year, it's horrible subject. I should have chosen classical civilisations... :/
I need to finish reading Death Note but my stupid mother keeps forgetting to bring it home from my soon-to-be-step-dad's house. Oh, speaking of, I move houses in just over a month... I don't want to! I love this house... as small as it may be. My new bedroom is absolutely freezing, it's gorgeous, but it's freezing. But if this house doesn't rent out then when Leah and Vivien come to England we will stay here and have house raves every night... and broadcast them on BlogTV. ^_^
But, ooooh, guess what?! My self dicipline is getting, slightly, better. Last night, after I turned the computer off, I was checking mobile Twitter, and was informed that Adam was live (as he does everynight after I go to "sleep" ¬_¬), and all my friends were tweeting that they were there... so I was gonna go back online... BUT I RESISTED! Are you proud, guys? ^_^
I just got back from London. I saw Wicked. I spent a lot of money. I went to Platform 9 3/4. I saw the Queen's house. It was fun. But, now, I'm doing that lame Skype contact thing because it is 00:20 in the morning and I'm trying to bore myself to sleep. Geez, I'm hungry.
We insult each other a lot. It's fun.
I'm attatched to your rod. (well, that one's hard ¬_¬)
I like to see your videos before you release them on the interwebz.
I don't know who you are. Get off my Skype list.
You were my first YouTube friend, *giggles* (another hard one >.<)
I probably don't speak to you as much as I should.
We have many private jokes even though we barely speak.
We believe in magic.
I don't even like you that much. Go away, plz.
We don't speak anymore. Explain this to me?
Jesus, I totally forgot I had you on this untill I just saw your name. Ouch.
I really want to delete you. I'm gonna do it now.
I can never make up my mind whether I really love you or really hate you. :/
I like speaking to you, but you're never online.
Why did you add me?
We only speak in group conversations, it's sort of weird.
You asked for my Skype and then never spoke to me. ¬_¬
You added me from a group conversation and I don't know who you are.
I call you when my microphone breaks.
You give me highly interesting conversations, thanks. ^_^
You make no sense, it makes you amusing.
I can't decide whether we are friends or not.
We've drifted apart now... that sucks. :'[
I can't believe it took us this long to meet! I think you're bloody brilliant!
Why do you never speak to me anymore? I mean... you added me. 0_o
We should speak more, I think we are compatible.
Someone made me accept you and I feel too bad to delete you. :/
You are amazing. Let's be bffs forever!
You provide me with fantastic conversations despite our timezones.
We do not speak. I am fine with this.
I'm seriously worried over our conversational topics, yet, I love them. 0_o
We only ever speak to each other in group calls, but they're always funny.
I have no idea who you are, I think you're on my iminlikewithyou friend's list...?
I hope you realise that you're a prick and there is a reason that nobody likes you.
You aggrivate me. A lot. But we're still friends. *Sigh*
There you have it. ¬_¬ *is still not tired*
We insult each other a lot. It's fun.
I'm attatched to your rod. (well, that one's hard ¬_¬)
I like to see your videos before you release them on the interwebz.
I don't know who you are. Get off my Skype list.
You were my first YouTube friend, *giggles* (another hard one >.<)
I probably don't speak to you as much as I should.
We have many private jokes even though we barely speak.
We believe in magic.
I don't even like you that much. Go away, plz.
We don't speak anymore. Explain this to me?
Jesus, I totally forgot I had you on this untill I just saw your name. Ouch.
I really want to delete you. I'm gonna do it now.
I can never make up my mind whether I really love you or really hate you. :/
I like speaking to you, but you're never online.
Why did you add me?
We only speak in group conversations, it's sort of weird.
You asked for my Skype and then never spoke to me. ¬_¬
You added me from a group conversation and I don't know who you are.
I call you when my microphone breaks.
You give me highly interesting conversations, thanks. ^_^
You make no sense, it makes you amusing.
I can't decide whether we are friends or not.
We've drifted apart now... that sucks. :'[
I can't believe it took us this long to meet! I think you're bloody brilliant!
Why do you never speak to me anymore? I mean... you added me. 0_o
We should speak more, I think we are compatible.
Someone made me accept you and I feel too bad to delete you. :/
You are amazing. Let's be bffs forever!
You provide me with fantastic conversations despite our timezones.
We do not speak. I am fine with this.
I'm seriously worried over our conversational topics, yet, I love them. 0_o
We only ever speak to each other in group calls, but they're always funny.
I have no idea who you are, I think you're on my iminlikewithyou friend's list...?
I hope you realise that you're a prick and there is a reason that nobody likes you.
You aggrivate me. A lot. But we're still friends. *Sigh*
There you have it. ¬_¬ *is still not tired*
Strike a violent pose!
Another insomniac blog? Too bloody right. It's 04:09AM and I haven't felt this tired in a long time. It feels glorious! <3 I have MCR on full blast right now, which is probably a really bad idea. Bridget tweeted I should stay awake and Leah says to sleep. I may have to listen to the Southerner for once. We stayed on Skype untill 8AM this morning, I slept from 8:45-12:00. It was pretty awesome. Leah may be coming to England in the summer, a long with Vivien. This is amazing. I am also prosponing the four year long dream of a Macbook, which I finally have the sufficient funds for, to travel this year. I will leave you with this quotation from one of my favourite books, I really like it:
"Renaming the boat won't solve any of our problems."- Violet Baudelaire. <3
Oh, P.S- HAPPY 2009, GUYS! Let's make it a good one, okay?
"Renaming the boat won't solve any of our problems."- Violet Baudelaire. <3
Oh, P.S- HAPPY 2009, GUYS! Let's make it a good one, okay?
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