The concert was really bad. We arrived, the bands weren't even on and it was Bollywood dancers. I was already exhausted due to the long walk from my house to Summer's house to the train station. I was not happy because it was boling and Summer made me wear my shorts. ¬_¬ I don't like not wearing my drainpipes, far too pale! Mwuhahaha! So, we went to Waterstones to see if they had the book I wanted, they did not. Then we went to Smith's to see if they had the book I wanted, and the que was too big so we went to get an ice cream shake from Baksins and Robbins (couldn't be bothered to walk up two floors to get to Ben and Jerry's ;]). Then we went to see the bands, because we heard the music. It was some white guy with a Rastifarian (sp?) and an a black guy, and they were good but the white guy couldn't rap. Anyway, we didn't even get to the end of their set and we got bored. So we got the train home. And I had to walk all the way home. By myself. Again. And then Summer had the cheek to ask me if I wanted to go back! :O Bitch. So, now I'm totally and utterly dead from all the walking and I'm REALLY sleepy and I need to go make food because my mum is in London and I'm really hungry but to be honest i can't be bothered. That was a really long sentence, I apologise. I also said 'really' a lot. Darn it. Bleh, I'm tired. *Sigh* Well, maybe I'll blog later... who knows?
School soon *gulps*
School soon *gulps*

So it is currently 01:38 in the morning and I have being inspired to blog. So tomorrow, well... today actually, I am going to the Freedom Musical Frestival in the next city (that sounds like Pokémon). I should really sleep as I have to get up early to walk from the shitty outskirts of the village (where I reside) to the center (where Summer resides) and then we must walk to get the choo choo train. ^_^ So I will write about the concert in my next entry.
I love it how I still fangirl when YouTubers I love comment me, ha ha. It's like *holds back temptation to propose marriage*
Because I can't get married, my heart belongs to Vivien.
Speaking of... look what she just said to me:
viv parrish says:
as long as i have rosy
viv parrish says:
nobody matters
I love it how I still fangirl when YouTubers I love comment me, ha ha. It's like *holds back temptation to propose marriage*
Because I can't get married, my heart belongs to Vivien.
Speaking of... look what she just said to me:
viv parrish says:
as long as i have rosy
viv parrish says:
nobody matters
However, we can break the marriage bond for two people. She wants Jimmy0000000000 (whatever his username is, I don't watch him *hides from Viv's abuse*) and of course my infactuation with Dave Days... and Edward Cullen, but let's be reasonable, he doesn't exist *sighs*

Rosyyy says:
I finally got Jake's autoplay, mwuhaha.
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
yeah well
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
im gonna get mike and nicks
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
and what the buck and steandkel are in my next collab
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
Well isn't he just a little ray of sunshine? ¬_¬
I'm just drinking Coca-Cola (what, again?) and listening to songs from the Buffy musical.
I really need to add people to my MSN, I have, *looks*, 11 contacts... including me.
Well, hello Miss Popular!
I finally got Jake's autoplay, mwuhaha.
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
yeah well
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
im gonna get mike and nicks
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
and what the buck and steandkel are in my next collab
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
Well isn't he just a little ray of sunshine? ¬_¬
I'm just drinking Coca-Cola (what, again?) and listening to songs from the Buffy musical.
I really need to add people to my MSN, I have, *looks*, 11 contacts... including me.
Well, hello Miss Popular!
I love how for the past four years whenever I pass the skatepark in my village I always do the same things. This involves automatically turning my head to the left and scouting the park for skaters. Since I was 12, I've had a thing for skaters. Unless they are dirty. My best friend was a dirty skater boy, his eyebrow bar heeled up at school and I stuck it through again. He screamed and green stuff came out. Good times, good times. <3

I left the house for the first time in forever last night. Originally, Summer and I where just going to go for a walk, and then we saw our friends Mike, Mike and Adam. We followed them to Tesco, because it is awesome. Then we saw Calum and Dave (the joys of living in a village, you can't escape) and I got evil glares most of the night. It was fun. Obviously it was because I'm a horrible person, eh? ^_^
PS- I want Vivien to come and stay with me because my mum said she could.
PPS- Is it wrong I am considering changing my mobile tariff to O2 so I can update Twitter from my phone? Yeah, it probably is. I have OCT, 'Obsessive Compulsive Tweeting' at the moment.

But that means a whole new stage for the adventures of Wonder Wax and Super Stench. We have now defeated the evil Retardatron and her loyal sidekick Da Crunk Monk (don't ask). I wonder what adventures await us in college...
Sorry about the above paragraph, I find it better to deal reality if I use my alter egos. Super heroes ftw! ^_^
Yeah, so I got my GCSE results the other day. I could have done better. I got 3 A's (Literature, and two for ICT) and three B's (English Language, Religous Studies and art), a couple of C's (science, history, that kind of stuff) and then finally, my personal; favourites: The D's (German and maths). But, y'know... they were kind of predicted. ;-)
charlie rolf says:
miley cyrus is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Yeah well... YouTube is subbed to me
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
xtube is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
I've got redtube, so bring it bitch.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i would love to have like a subscriber war.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
residentmikelee would go totally asian on your ass
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Well I have shellshellann subbed to me, she would go American girl on your ass.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Okay, but if we're still having a sub war...
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
All of our YouTube friends were subbed to me first, they'd choose me .
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Leah, Wit, Viv, Jake ect. Mwuhahaha!
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
they would choose you anyway
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i admit defeat and shoot myself in the face
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Haha, yes ^_^ I win!
(Love you, Charlie! ^_^)
miley cyrus is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Yeah well... YouTube is subbed to me
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
xtube is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
I've got redtube, so bring it bitch.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i would love to have like a subscriber war.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
residentmikelee would go totally asian on your ass
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Well I have shellshellann subbed to me, she would go American girl on your ass.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Okay, but if we're still having a sub war...
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
All of our YouTube friends were subbed to me first, they'd choose me .
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Leah, Wit, Viv, Jake ect. Mwuhahaha!
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
they would choose you anyway
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i admit defeat and shoot myself in the face
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Haha, yes ^_^ I win!
(Love you, Charlie! ^_^)
Dear Vivien (or Chen),
I do think it is fate that we came accross each other over the internet. If you think of the thousands (or even millions, I'm not too sure) of people that access YouTube everyday, it really is destiny that we found each other. Two teenage girls that have twin personalities and get along like a house on fire (theres a kooky English saying for you) are hard enough to find, but when these two girls live at different sides of the Atlantic ocean , it really is amazing.
What makes this even better is the fact one day we are destined to meet. On the 14th June 2010 infact. We will have a glorious two years living together, I'm sure of it. Hopefully, our friendship will continue out of university and we will either own a bondage shop (like your own) or be the best journalists the world has ever seen.
My one wish would be that you get to live in England (because I know you'd love it here) and I could visit LA. We are both culturely missplaced.
Your partner of Team Cock-It.
Rosanna (or Pat)
I do think it is fate that we came accross each other over the internet. If you think of the thousands (or even millions, I'm not too sure) of people that access YouTube everyday, it really is destiny that we found each other. Two teenage girls that have twin personalities and get along like a house on fire (theres a kooky English saying for you) are hard enough to find, but when these two girls live at different sides of the Atlantic ocean , it really is amazing.
What makes this even better is the fact one day we are destined to meet. On the 14th June 2010 infact. We will have a glorious two years living together, I'm sure of it. Hopefully, our friendship will continue out of university and we will either own a bondage shop (like your own) or be the best journalists the world has ever seen.
My one wish would be that you get to live in England (because I know you'd love it here) and I could visit LA. We are both culturely missplaced.
Your partner of Team Cock-It.
Rosanna (or Pat)
The internet is a glorious thing.
In one night I have found the following things over MSN:
1) Vivien is a 57 year old, Japanese date rapist with an Australian accent. She also owns a bondage shop called 'Leather and Chains'.
2) Gabbie fails. End of discussion.
3) Jacob was so distraught that "I don't want him" he has told utubedrama "OMGOCTOPUS wants to marry JACOBDYERMEDIA."
Wow, I love my friends. ;-)
In one night I have found the following things over MSN:
1) Vivien is a 57 year old, Japanese date rapist with an Australian accent. She also owns a bondage shop called 'Leather and Chains'.
2) Gabbie fails. End of discussion.
3) Jacob was so distraught that "I don't want him" he has told utubedrama "OMGOCTOPUS wants to marry JACOBDYERMEDIA."
Wow, I love my friends. ;-)
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