Last night was my bff's seventeenth (sp? :S) birthday party. She thinks she is Asian and bought this Oriental murder mystery party set thing. We played the first round and then realised the majority of the guests where absolutely wankered, so we stopped and never found out the killer. I spent most of the night... erm, I don't even remember... That shows it was a good party! Ha ha ha! Umm... oh, yeah, I discussed a lot of anime/manga/Star Wars/comics with one of the birthday girl's friends whom I had never met before. I also had a very long discussing with somebody I had never met before about how everyone in Hollyoaks should die, and have the rest of the room argue with us. I love how alcohol allows you to make more friends. Ha. Umm... I also spent a lot of time watching one of my oldest friends making an absolute twat out of herself due to alcohol. She does this every party, you would think that she would learn her lesson! I remember texting Charlie... yes, I text Charlie after the cider and before the wine. Urgh, that was crap wine. I also spent a lot of time avoiding this scary person running around naked... it was not enjoyable! I had an argument with someone in my media group about why our film project should be 'Lord Of The Rings meets The Godfather' (my best idea yet, ha ha). I also remember another person getting absolutely paraletic (sp?) and been practically unconcious on floor in the fetal position for about four hours. Anyway, at 4AM we where all still in her kitchen finishing off the last of the Souther Comfort, then we went to her living room to crash out... but I ended up staying awake till about 7AM discussing really random things. I had about two hours sleep (7-9AM) and then we woke up and discussed the last night's activities, looked at the pictures, watched the videos, watched some more Friends and then ate coissants and bagels. Yum! Walsh, Sophia and I then walked home and here I am... in a comma like state. I love it, ha. I also remember that a lot of The Mighty Boosh was quoted... more specifficaly "TOPSHOP! TOPSHOP! EVER DRUNK BAILEYS OUT OF A SHOE?"
So, all in all... last night was pretty fantastic!
Oh, and tonight I am not going to the fair again because I am so incredibly tired I would pass out on the Waltzers.
It's just my luck to end up getting stuck to everything you are.
I'm such an emotional wreck. PTSD+OCD= Rosanna. And when you're a PTSD kid, you kinda fail at dealing with your emotions. I suppose it doesn't help that I have indie acoustic music on. I can't help that my name sounds like Dellilah and I'm going to New York City soon... so I want to listen to the song, but it makes me even sadder. I don't even know why I am sad! There is only one reason I can think of, but that shouldn't really cause any of these emotions... it was just the only out of the ordinary thing that happened today. I really don't think it's what caused it. But then again, I do have that horrible habbit or lieing to myself, that's OCD for you. I hate the way my mind works sometimes. All I need is an eating dissorder and I'm Cassie from Skins. Well, everyone thinks I have one anyway (which I don't, sorry collar bones), so I suppose I am Cassie from Skins. Ha. Who would have thought it? I wrote a poem today, I like it. You're not seeing it though. I like how I want to be a poet after uni but I hate people seeing my stuff. I like how this blog entry has no structure, but that's how I feel right now. A lack of stucture. So we'll say that this blog has dramatic effect. I wish I lived in California. I wish I could just call Vivien when I feel like this and let her make me cookies, because cookies are always good, y'know? Uh oh, Vivien is leaving now. I hate time zones. And geographical placements. They are my two worst enimies right now. What was the point to this blog again? Oh, yeah, I hate feeling like this. I have never felt this awful before, and I don't even know what is wrong. I think I feel worse now. I don't think you're still reading this, are you? This must be uber depressive. Wanna know what else is depresive? The poem 'Mariana' by Tenneson, he's pretty awesome. I suppose you want me to leave now? But this is my blog and I'll cry for attention if I want to. All Vivien's talk of cookies has made me hungry now. I might text Charlie back, but I felt too 'meh' to move my fingers. Urgh, I hatehatehatehatehatehatehate this feeling so much. What the hell? That song has been on repeat for far too long now. It's okay, now I have The Spill Canvas on. It's depressive, I need depressive. I think I analysed 'Mariana' too much today. I will leave now because this could go on for a long time.
"The truth is, I've never fallen so hard."
"The truth is, I've never fallen so hard."
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...

I hate ICT. Those of you who follow me on Twitter should know that. Urgh, it's just so... fjahfjkahfjkshfj. Evil. Yes, it is just so evil.
I go to New York soon. I'm so scared. I've met my exchange before, but I have never met her parents. I'll just cling to her like a lost puppy and hope that I can be out with the other English kids every possible second. I need Siobhan or Ashley (those two hate each other, can't be in the same room) because I fail if I'm alone.
I've just realised how much I liked New Found Glory. I'm gonna go shower and listen to them some more later... and then tomorrow I have another full night of ICT. Did I mention I hate ICT?
I go to New York soon. I'm so scared. I've met my exchange before, but I have never met her parents. I'll just cling to her like a lost puppy and hope that I can be out with the other English kids every possible second. I need Siobhan or Ashley (those two hate each other, can't be in the same room) because I fail if I'm alone.
I've just realised how much I liked New Found Glory. I'm gonna go shower and listen to them some more later... and then tomorrow I have another full night of ICT. Did I mention I hate ICT?
A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins.

(My dad said I look like a Peruvian llama farmer in that hat.)
So, my nan had another fall today so she is in hospital with my mum at the moment. I was talking to Vivien on Skype but her internet kept cutting out on us.
I have so much poetry to write for my creative writing coursework but I can't just sit and write! I need isnpiration... or to plagerise Shawna's poetry. Heh heh heh. ;-)
(So much that you get a weird spelling of 'I love you'. Ha.)
So, my nan had another fall today so she is in hospital with my mum at the moment. I was talking to Vivien on Skype but her internet kept cutting out on us.
I have so much poetry to write for my creative writing coursework but I can't just sit and write! I need isnpiration... or to plagerise Shawna's poetry. Heh heh heh. ;-)
(So much that you get a weird spelling of 'I love you'. Ha.)
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