

Sleep deprivition is not good. I have been on Skype with Leah (LCSsings), Viv (feellinecancer), Zach (thatzak) and Tom (randomprodinc) for hours now. (YourAverage) Adam left a while ago...

Now, I am tired. But I want to watch YouYubeLive. Grr.

Also, I am starving. But I don't have Rice Krispies, only Cheerios.

I am listening to Leah and Zach argue about stuff. Viv is watching a video, and I am too tired to sleep. I'm sat downstairs on the laptop (I never do this) with the lamp on, I'm just staring at it...

Leah: Rosy, are you awake?
Me: *Makes popping noise with mouth*

I'm not sure if she heard me or not... but I'm too tired to speak. Oh, i just typed "i'm too tired to sleep" Is that a sign? ¬_¬

Grrz. Bye. No sleep. Just... sitting.


LCSsings said...

I love how it's me and zach arguing about stuff XD
i heard the popping noise and i was like "erm whut?"
you shoulda stayed with us :]

Christina Celeste. said...


skype is the best.