
They don't come much more sick than you.

(I took my laptop to school planning to do work. Needless to say, I did not.)

I'm sad. :[ These past nine weeks have been absolutely horrible and I might have to go live with my dad soon, if things carry on like this anyway. I'm dreading Christmas. I mean, it's pretty obvious I hate it. I love the build up to it, all the lights and wrapping up warm and such, but I hate the day. I'm getting money this year, so I'm not gonna get to open stuff up, and I have to have it at my soon-to-be-step-dad's house. Which, if you can't guess, I'm dreading. I just want to sit at home all day by myself and watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, because Dr. Seuss makes everything better. Maybe I can pursuade my mum to let me stay at home by myself, if things carry on this way, maybe she'd prefer if it I did?

P.S- Still undecided on the haircut, it's a mix between a six year old boy and Agnes Deyn.

P.P.S- I'm going to listen to more depressive music now, bye. ^_^

1 comment:

I've Been Eating For You said...

Why has nobody left comments on this blog? I must say it is quite refreshing to read about an actual person rather than see them on youtube, it's much less distracting from any situations that people are going from, detaching from real emotions even at times, its all about atmosphere. I'm not going to tell you to cheer up, it's nobodys business to try force another person out of feeling blue. That's the kind of stuff that builds itself up and that people have to drag around with them like a wall waiting to fall. So just be sad and that'll blow the emotions away like dust before they can condense into stone and pile around you.

Yours sincerely,
Sal Paradise