
I can't get you out of my hair.

Don't you just want to walk into a supermarker and see that? I sure do. Ryuk <3

It's 3:00 AM and I have an ICT exam tomorrow. I'm going to fail it. Balls. 0_o Today was boring, to be honest. I went to bed at 5AM, woke up at 10AM, spoke to Justin and Kimmi on Skype for 30 minutes or so and then went back to sleep. I woke up at 14:30, and told Chago my elaborate murder plan. I then went to my friend's house, and then saw Twilight. I then had the joys of walking home in the dark by myself. That was horrible. Then I went back to the accurately named "Zombie Chat" for a few hours, with various calls happening. I watched a few BlogTV shows and now here I am... because everyone has just stopped speaking. I think there's a call but i'm not in it. I'm too tired to go to bed. ¬_¬ Night.


One D said...

that picture scares me...
Ryuk IRL is scary...
death note used to b ftw :P
but times change :D

Anonymous said...

that is horrible that you have to take a test thing at 3 am omg i would pass out