I am writing this after another night of absolutely no sleep. It was fun, Leah and Adam kept me company. Adam has gone to bed, Leah is still up with me. Speaking of Leah and Adam, Leah and I are saving up to go to Portland in the summer. Oh, and Vivien, you're coming too. But, my new years resoloution is to be able to afford the travels I expect to have this year. Sorry, Macbook, looks like you will have to wait...
It's 08:23AM, and I need to sleep. But I do not plan to.
I am angry at myself. I did not mind when I slipped into an EST time zone... but now, PST? You're kidding, right? No, Rosy, no I am not. Last night I got four hours sleep. I went to bed at like four thrirty, and was all snuggled up in my bed- I checked mobile Twitter... and I see that Adam had gone live! So I snook back downstairs and got the headphones and charger and planned to watch Adam thinking that "oh, it can't last that much over an hour". Oh, how I was wrong. It finished at something ridiculous at like seven AM my time. I should have gone to bed, they were all trying there hardests to make me go though. <3
And now, here I am again. I went to bed at 5AM, couldn't sleep after ten minutes... got a shower, felt more awake and came back online. Nobody is online for me to talk to. :'[ *cries* Leah is going to bed soon, boo! So, now at 06:25 AM, I may have to finally admit defeat and sleep. Booooo! I have to wake up at 12 tomorrow to see my cousins. Wait? That's in 51/2 hours. That means that in like 48 hours I have only slept 91/2 of them.
P.S- I love my friends. ^_^
And now, here I am again. I went to bed at 5AM, couldn't sleep after ten minutes... got a shower, felt more awake and came back online. Nobody is online for me to talk to. :'[ *cries* Leah is going to bed soon, boo! So, now at 06:25 AM, I may have to finally admit defeat and sleep. Booooo! I have to wake up at 12 tomorrow to see my cousins. Wait? That's in 51/2 hours. That means that in like 48 hours I have only slept 91/2 of them.
P.S- I love my friends. ^_^
Guess what...

(I hand fed these pigeons a low fat chocolate chunk granola bar on the top of the Empire State Building.)
I fixed my blog. So, back to this one! Sorry to confuse y'all. I wrote this blog to inform you all that Vivien left 25 minutes ago and I miss her already. ^_^ She is calling me from London tomorrow, so yay for that! Aww, she just @replied me on Twitter. *Butterflies* Oh, and Zach and Tom and I have a secret and you don't know it. Mwuhaha.
They don't come much more sick than you.
I'm sad. :[ These past nine weeks have been absolutely horrible and I might have to go live with my dad soon, if things carry on like this anyway. I'm dreading Christmas. I mean, it's pretty obvious I hate it. I love the build up to it, all the lights and wrapping up warm and such, but I hate the day. I'm getting money this year, so I'm not gonna get to open stuff up, and I have to have it at my soon-to-be-step-dad's house. Which, if you can't guess, I'm dreading. I just want to sit at home all day by myself and watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, because Dr. Seuss makes everything better. Maybe I can pursuade my mum to let me stay at home by myself, if things carry on this way, maybe she'd prefer if it I did?
P.S- Still undecided on the haircut, it's a mix between a six year old boy and Agnes Deyn.
P.P.S- I'm going to listen to more depressive music now, bye. ^_^
P.P.S- I'm going to listen to more depressive music now, bye. ^_^
Hey, hey, you, you, I could be your girlfriend!
Has Nanalew ever written you a poem? No? Here, you can read the one she wrote for me.
[20:41:35] Shawna says: oh here
[20:41:38] Shawna says: i wrote this for you
[20:41:38] Shawna says: Rosy has a shellfish
A pretty little shellfish
Of cream and pink and blue
A little purple too
Rosy's pretty shellfish
Is manic and so selfish
It wants to eat her brain.
Nummy nummy brain.
In other news, I have spoken to Leah more again these past few weeks :] Like I used to, I like it. YAY! ^_^ I also got my hair cut off even shorter. I look like a six year old boy. Srsly. Not cool. ¬_¬ I still can't get into Katherines, I mean I loveloveloved Paper Towns, and especially Alaska... but I've tried to read Katherines twice now, it's just not happening! BLEH! Also, I hate all of you irl people. You can just go suck it. :] Internet Rosanna is not for you guys. K? Good! Oh, and I miss Vivien to the moon and back. <3
[20:41:35] Shawna says: oh here
[20:41:38] Shawna says: i wrote this for you
[20:41:38] Shawna says: Rosy has a shellfish
A pretty little shellfish
Of cream and pink and blue
A little purple too
Rosy's pretty shellfish
Is manic and so selfish
It wants to eat her brain.
Nummy nummy brain.
In other news, I have spoken to Leah more again these past few weeks :] Like I used to, I like it. YAY! ^_^ I also got my hair cut off even shorter. I look like a six year old boy. Srsly. Not cool. ¬_¬ I still can't get into Katherines, I mean I loveloveloved Paper Towns, and especially Alaska... but I've tried to read Katherines twice now, it's just not happening! BLEH! Also, I hate all of you irl people. You can just go suck it. :] Internet Rosanna is not for you guys. K? Good! Oh, and I miss Vivien to the moon and back. <3
One light, one mind, flashing in the dark,
blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts.
I have a Sti (it may just be my warped mind, but you read it as 'ess tea eye', don't you? ;P) in my eye. I have to put eye drops in it every two hours. It's tedious, I tell you. So, today I have been wrapped up in my bed watching South Park episodes that haven't aired in England yet. I have also drunk half of my body weight in Irn Bru (<3), and rummaged under my bed for my Lemony Snicket books. If I'm gonna be an absurdist fiction author I have to keep reading utter nonsense, right? ;-P
I'm hungry. My mum won't be home untill later so I have to cook my own tea, which is chicken and salad. I am hoping I'll have people to skype with later though, so I don't get lonely. I think I'm getting cat, a Siamese cat. I want to call her Alaska. My mum should never trust me with naming animals.

I'm hungry. My mum won't be home untill later so I have to cook my own tea, which is chicken and salad. I am hoping I'll have people to skype with later though, so I don't get lonely. I think I'm getting cat, a Siamese cat. I want to call her Alaska. My mum should never trust me with naming animals.
My mouth moves too fast for you to figure it out.
I am sat in my PJs and I am really tired. However, I didn't sit up and talk to Vivien and Leah and people last night (blame my mother). It was productive though... I pursuaded my mum that we need a cat and finished Death Note #2. Last night I didn't go to a party because I felt ill and because I hate parties were my social group drink, because they act like idiots and it makes me think "WHY DO I KNOW THESE PEOPLE?" which makes me hate the fact I live in the North of England, with that that for company. No offence guys, just learn to handle your drink and not act like a twat. Kthnx. ^_^ I can haz new friends plz? I can live in London or New York or Los Angeles or somewhere other than this poop hole?

Sleep deprivition is not good. I have been on Skype with Leah (LCSsings), Viv (feellinecancer), Zach (thatzak) and Tom (randomprodinc) for hours now. (YourAverage) Adam left a while ago...
Now, I am tired. But I want to watch YouYubeLive. Grr.
Also, I am starving. But I don't have Rice Krispies, only Cheerios.
I am listening to Leah and Zach argue about stuff. Viv is watching a video, and I am too tired to sleep. I'm sat downstairs on the laptop (I never do this) with the lamp on, I'm just staring at it...
Leah: Rosy, are you awake?
Me: *Makes popping noise with mouth*
I'm not sure if she heard me or not... but I'm too tired to speak. Oh, i just typed "i'm too tired to sleep" Is that a sign? ¬_¬
Grrz. Bye. No sleep. Just... sitting.
Now, I am tired. But I want to watch YouYubeLive. Grr.
Also, I am starving. But I don't have Rice Krispies, only Cheerios.
I am listening to Leah and Zach argue about stuff. Viv is watching a video, and I am too tired to sleep. I'm sat downstairs on the laptop (I never do this) with the lamp on, I'm just staring at it...
Leah: Rosy, are you awake?
Me: *Makes popping noise with mouth*
I'm not sure if she heard me or not... but I'm too tired to speak. Oh, i just typed "i'm too tired to sleep" Is that a sign? ¬_¬
Grrz. Bye. No sleep. Just... sitting.
ella ella ella eh eh eh
Oh, s'up, Blogspot?! It's been a while...
Okay, don't worry... it wasn't that good. But it was still pretty darn awesome.
I have a maths exam tomorrow. It's the second time that I am sitting it. I failed the last time. I think I will fail this one too. Maths + I = nevergonnahappenevereverever. But, alas, I kind of need this to get into university ^_^ Because education is cool! However, angles are not. Urgh.
So, recently, I bought all three John Green books. I started with 'Paper Towns', and I was hooked from like the first chapter. Then I read 'Looking For Alaska', again, hooked from the begining. Wow, just... wow. And then, because Mallory said I should... I started reading 'An Abundance Of Katherines', I got three chapters in before I realised that I didn't like it... I'm ashemed to say it, but the other two gave me such high expectations. Anyway, so I started reading 'Gossip Girl', and it's amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
That's about it really. At the moment I am "revising" for my maths exam. Fail. Epic fail.
Okay, don't worry... it wasn't that good. But it was still pretty darn awesome.
I have a maths exam tomorrow. It's the second time that I am sitting it. I failed the last time. I think I will fail this one too. Maths + I = nevergonnahappenevereverever. But, alas, I kind of need this to get into university ^_^ Because education is cool! However, angles are not. Urgh.
So, recently, I bought all three John Green books. I started with 'Paper Towns', and I was hooked from like the first chapter. Then I read 'Looking For Alaska', again, hooked from the begining. Wow, just... wow. And then, because Mallory said I should... I started reading 'An Abundance Of Katherines', I got three chapters in before I realised that I didn't like it... I'm ashemed to say it, but the other two gave me such high expectations. Anyway, so I started reading 'Gossip Girl', and it's amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
That's about it really. At the moment I am "revising" for my maths exam. Fail. Epic fail.
My dreams are infected.
Last night was my bff's seventeenth (sp? :S) birthday party. She thinks she is Asian and bought this Oriental murder mystery party set thing. We played the first round and then realised the majority of the guests where absolutely wankered, so we stopped and never found out the killer. I spent most of the night... erm, I don't even remember... That shows it was a good party! Ha ha ha! Umm... oh, yeah, I discussed a lot of anime/manga/Star Wars/comics with one of the birthday girl's friends whom I had never met before. I also had a very long discussing with somebody I had never met before about how everyone in Hollyoaks should die, and have the rest of the room argue with us. I love how alcohol allows you to make more friends. Ha. Umm... I also spent a lot of time watching one of my oldest friends making an absolute twat out of herself due to alcohol. She does this every party, you would think that she would learn her lesson! I remember texting Charlie... yes, I text Charlie after the cider and before the wine. Urgh, that was crap wine. I also spent a lot of time avoiding this scary person running around naked... it was not enjoyable! I had an argument with someone in my media group about why our film project should be 'Lord Of The Rings meets The Godfather' (my best idea yet, ha ha). I also remember another person getting absolutely paraletic (sp?) and been practically unconcious on floor in the fetal position for about four hours. Anyway, at 4AM we where all still in her kitchen finishing off the last of the Souther Comfort, then we went to her living room to crash out... but I ended up staying awake till about 7AM discussing really random things. I had about two hours sleep (7-9AM) and then we woke up and discussed the last night's activities, looked at the pictures, watched the videos, watched some more Friends and then ate coissants and bagels. Yum! Walsh, Sophia and I then walked home and here I am... in a comma like state. I love it, ha. I also remember that a lot of The Mighty Boosh was quoted... more specifficaly "TOPSHOP! TOPSHOP! EVER DRUNK BAILEYS OUT OF A SHOE?"
So, all in all... last night was pretty fantastic!
Oh, and tonight I am not going to the fair again because I am so incredibly tired I would pass out on the Waltzers.
So, all in all... last night was pretty fantastic!
Oh, and tonight I am not going to the fair again because I am so incredibly tired I would pass out on the Waltzers.
It's just my luck to end up getting stuck to everything you are.
I'm such an emotional wreck. PTSD+OCD= Rosanna. And when you're a PTSD kid, you kinda fail at dealing with your emotions. I suppose it doesn't help that I have indie acoustic music on. I can't help that my name sounds like Dellilah and I'm going to New York City soon... so I want to listen to the song, but it makes me even sadder. I don't even know why I am sad! There is only one reason I can think of, but that shouldn't really cause any of these emotions... it was just the only out of the ordinary thing that happened today. I really don't think it's what caused it. But then again, I do have that horrible habbit or lieing to myself, that's OCD for you. I hate the way my mind works sometimes. All I need is an eating dissorder and I'm Cassie from Skins. Well, everyone thinks I have one anyway (which I don't, sorry collar bones), so I suppose I am Cassie from Skins. Ha. Who would have thought it? I wrote a poem today, I like it. You're not seeing it though. I like how I want to be a poet after uni but I hate people seeing my stuff. I like how this blog entry has no structure, but that's how I feel right now. A lack of stucture. So we'll say that this blog has dramatic effect. I wish I lived in California. I wish I could just call Vivien when I feel like this and let her make me cookies, because cookies are always good, y'know? Uh oh, Vivien is leaving now. I hate time zones. And geographical placements. They are my two worst enimies right now. What was the point to this blog again? Oh, yeah, I hate feeling like this. I have never felt this awful before, and I don't even know what is wrong. I think I feel worse now. I don't think you're still reading this, are you? This must be uber depressive. Wanna know what else is depresive? The poem 'Mariana' by Tenneson, he's pretty awesome. I suppose you want me to leave now? But this is my blog and I'll cry for attention if I want to. All Vivien's talk of cookies has made me hungry now. I might text Charlie back, but I felt too 'meh' to move my fingers. Urgh, I hatehatehatehatehatehatehate this feeling so much. What the hell? That song has been on repeat for far too long now. It's okay, now I have The Spill Canvas on. It's depressive, I need depressive. I think I analysed 'Mariana' too much today. I will leave now because this could go on for a long time.
"The truth is, I've never fallen so hard."
"The truth is, I've never fallen so hard."
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...

I hate ICT. Those of you who follow me on Twitter should know that. Urgh, it's just so... fjahfjkahfjkshfj. Evil. Yes, it is just so evil.
I go to New York soon. I'm so scared. I've met my exchange before, but I have never met her parents. I'll just cling to her like a lost puppy and hope that I can be out with the other English kids every possible second. I need Siobhan or Ashley (those two hate each other, can't be in the same room) because I fail if I'm alone.
I've just realised how much I liked New Found Glory. I'm gonna go shower and listen to them some more later... and then tomorrow I have another full night of ICT. Did I mention I hate ICT?
I go to New York soon. I'm so scared. I've met my exchange before, but I have never met her parents. I'll just cling to her like a lost puppy and hope that I can be out with the other English kids every possible second. I need Siobhan or Ashley (those two hate each other, can't be in the same room) because I fail if I'm alone.
I've just realised how much I liked New Found Glory. I'm gonna go shower and listen to them some more later... and then tomorrow I have another full night of ICT. Did I mention I hate ICT?
A thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins.

(My dad said I look like a Peruvian llama farmer in that hat.)
So, my nan had another fall today so she is in hospital with my mum at the moment. I was talking to Vivien on Skype but her internet kept cutting out on us.
I have so much poetry to write for my creative writing coursework but I can't just sit and write! I need isnpiration... or to plagerise Shawna's poetry. Heh heh heh. ;-)
(So much that you get a weird spelling of 'I love you'. Ha.)
So, my nan had another fall today so she is in hospital with my mum at the moment. I was talking to Vivien on Skype but her internet kept cutting out on us.
I have so much poetry to write for my creative writing coursework but I can't just sit and write! I need isnpiration... or to plagerise Shawna's poetry. Heh heh heh. ;-)
(So much that you get a weird spelling of 'I love you'. Ha.)
What do you say we leave for California?
She liked my poetry? So that's a load off my mind. I slept at my dad's last night, and I brought my Japanese 'beware of the pervets' shirt that I was planning to wear today. But I realised that whenever I wear anything with Japanese writing on it my bets friend has to spend like 10 minutes figuring out what it says, and won't let me tell her. She's such a noob. So I made my dad take me back to my mum's in the morning and got changed into my waistcoat thingy, because it makes me feel like a librarian. I had a whole morning of English language, so this was very fitting. ;-)
P.S- My mum is still in Liverpool so I am making Spiderman pasta shapes for tea. <3
P.S- My mum is still in Liverpool so I am making Spiderman pasta shapes for tea. <3
Homesick at Space Camp.
I'm scared. My coursework for creative writing starts tomorrow and I chose poetry. My teacher asked to see some of my work. This will be the first time I show somebody it. Oh, well, I have to start somewhere, right? She may go easy on me, she likes me because I wrote a fictional sports report about a one legged long jumper, that was pretty awesome.
My brain hurts now. I just spent a good few hours writing an in depth analysis of modal verbs... yet, English language is still one of my favourite subjects. My mind must work differently, most people would not have enjoyed that homework as much as I did. I also had media studies homework, but that was only to write about what makes an effective film trailer. I chose Twilight, because YouTube refused to load and I couldn't find the one for The Half Blood Prince on Google.
My mum says the reason I have lost practically all of my friends is because I'm too sarcastic. I like sarcasm, it makes me feel superior! Ha. No, really, that wasn't sarcasm... I actually really do use it too much. Oh, well, I've lost all of my friends to the fat headed skank anyway, why stop now? :P
I have finally finished that wretched ICT report! It was so time consuming. Now I can concentrate on my creative writing coursework. I have chosen poetry, because rhyming makes me happy. My theme is "Modern Day Edgar Allan Poe" :D Well, don't I have a huge ego?
I have finally finished that wretched ICT report! It was so time consuming. Now I can concentrate on my creative writing coursework. I have chosen poetry, because rhyming makes me happy. My theme is "Modern Day Edgar Allan Poe" :D Well, don't I have a huge ego?
Can I have him please? My favourite ever TV show. I'm not usually one to go for the 'emo kid' type, ha. But he is just... something else. *Sigh*
In other news... I don't think I have homework tonight so I can sit and mellow in self pity about how much I deteste practically everyone at my school. Seriously. It's nice to know the people you classed as 'friends' for over a year can just be like "oh, yeah... we never really liked you. Bye." Urgh. Wankers. So... wanna be friends?
In other news... I don't think I have homework tonight so I can sit and mellow in self pity about how much I deteste practically everyone at my school. Seriously. It's nice to know the people you classed as 'friends' for over a year can just be like "oh, yeah... we never really liked you. Bye." Urgh. Wankers. So... wanna be friends?
Stockholm Syndrome
I have decided to bring the titles back. Woop woop! (Pretty much songs I have on at this moment in time.)
So, ummm, I fele like I owed this blog a update. It looks lonely... So, HI BLOGSPOT! Did you miss me? So last night I went to a party and it was fun but in a really suck-ish way. I just sat with Lana all night discussing ye olde days. Seriously, if she wasn't there then I would have being bored and not talked to anyone. But it was amusing because when some of us put The Evil Dead on, this girl I don't like came in and layed across the living room floor and her dress rolled up and everyone was laughing at her 'cause her butt was showing :P She had no idea, it was so funny!
Today my cousin is her with my aunt and uncle. He is a little terror, seriously! Last time he was here he broke a kitchen cupboard door right off! :-| But I had to keep him amused so I just went on YouTube and let him watch cartoon intros that I know he likes. But now he is outside gardening with my uncle and my mum's boyfriend. My mum and aunt are sat watching them. I am enjoying my little break in the living room eating Philidelphia cheese on crackers. Yum.
... Sorry for the long entry, I'm just uber bored. ¬_¬ I better go do homework soon too.
So, ummm, I fele like I owed this blog a update. It looks lonely... So, HI BLOGSPOT! Did you miss me? So last night I went to a party and it was fun but in a really suck-ish way. I just sat with Lana all night discussing ye olde days. Seriously, if she wasn't there then I would have being bored and not talked to anyone. But it was amusing because when some of us put The Evil Dead on, this girl I don't like came in and layed across the living room floor and her dress rolled up and everyone was laughing at her 'cause her butt was showing :P She had no idea, it was so funny!
Today my cousin is her with my aunt and uncle. He is a little terror, seriously! Last time he was here he broke a kitchen cupboard door right off! :-| But I had to keep him amused so I just went on YouTube and let him watch cartoon intros that I know he likes. But now he is outside gardening with my uncle and my mum's boyfriend. My mum and aunt are sat watching them. I am enjoying my little break in the living room eating Philidelphia cheese on crackers. Yum.
... Sorry for the long entry, I'm just uber bored. ¬_¬ I better go do homework soon too.
Today I went in town with two of my friends. I bought two new t shirts, a Tim Burton poetry book (£3, bargain!) and I also got a library card so I don't have to buy manga anymore. ;-) Free stuff is good! Waterstones STILL don't have Looking For Alaska in stock. Oh, how I wish we had a Borders. ¬_¬ So tonight is going to be the "Super-epic-awesome-Skype-sleepover-chat" which should be interesting seeing as it's mainly going to be Americans and I. J'DETESTE TIME ZONES!
I'm going to take a page out of Adam's book (well, blog actually ;]) and tell you about my first two days.
Day one:
Media Studies:
The teacher is awesome. ^_^ That means it will be a good year. Well, it is in two parts with two teachers. Six lessons per week, I have 4 with this amazing teacher (anaylising the media) and 2 with a teacher I have yet to meet (creating media). My class has less than ten people in it. I get along with everyone in it. Well, there was one exception, a person who I had never met before but I have spoken to them now so it's all good.
English Language:
English is split into three lessons (out of the six) andI have had two of the three so far. The first was something stupid like 'the science and ethics behind language' and it is horribly boring. The teacher seems perfrectly nice though, which is suprising because I had heard she was an evil bitch. Mwuhahaha! The second was creative writing, which I adored! The teacher is lovely too! She liked the story I wrote ^_^
Day two:
Again, split into two courses. 4 lessons with one teacher, 2 with the other. I got the 4 lessons with my favourite teacher! So that makes me happy. He is awesome, I have had him for the past two years. I have a picture of him in a bikini (don't ask) but I will post that at a later date, I need it for blackmail purposes ;-) But I will post a picture I took 2 years ago at the end of the blog. My other teacher is also awesome, I'm sat at the front so I can talk to him. My class only has 8 people in, whilst the other ICT class has 26. We are the favourite class, the majority of us got A's last year, and some people who didn't fit into the other ones got thrown in. ¬_¬ But I will over rule them in a matter of days.
I left today at lunch time (I get Friday afternoons off! My timetable pwns!) I shall post more about college after I experience the rest of my lessons. But please, untill I get the bikni picture on my computer, enjoy this picture of my favourite teacher.

Day one:
Media Studies:
The teacher is awesome. ^_^ That means it will be a good year. Well, it is in two parts with two teachers. Six lessons per week, I have 4 with this amazing teacher (anaylising the media) and 2 with a teacher I have yet to meet (creating media). My class has less than ten people in it. I get along with everyone in it. Well, there was one exception, a person who I had never met before but I have spoken to them now so it's all good.
English Language:
English is split into three lessons (out of the six) andI have had two of the three so far. The first was something stupid like 'the science and ethics behind language' and it is horribly boring. The teacher seems perfrectly nice though, which is suprising because I had heard she was an evil bitch. Mwuhahaha! The second was creative writing, which I adored! The teacher is lovely too! She liked the story I wrote ^_^
Day two:
Again, split into two courses. 4 lessons with one teacher, 2 with the other. I got the 4 lessons with my favourite teacher! So that makes me happy. He is awesome, I have had him for the past two years. I have a picture of him in a bikini (don't ask) but I will post that at a later date, I need it for blackmail purposes ;-) But I will post a picture I took 2 years ago at the end of the blog. My other teacher is also awesome, I'm sat at the front so I can talk to him. My class only has 8 people in, whilst the other ICT class has 26. We are the favourite class, the majority of us got A's last year, and some people who didn't fit into the other ones got thrown in. ¬_¬ But I will over rule them in a matter of days.
I left today at lunch time (I get Friday afternoons off! My timetable pwns!) I shall post more about college after I experience the rest of my lessons. But please, untill I get the bikni picture on my computer, enjoy this picture of my favourite teacher.
I went back to college today... but only for two hours, to go to assembly. Tomorrow I go for the afternoon, and then I start my lessons on thursday. My mentor is an English teacher, yay! He rides a bike everywhere and wears licra. He's awesome. But since I am taking language and literature, he''ll automatically love me... because only CRAZY people take both English subjects. ;-)
When I got home, I found a channel called Nicktoonsters or something like that, and it had The Wild Thornberrys on so I watched it. Then I had cheese and crackers for lunch. Oooooh, and then Charlie (Skies) called me, and then he called me again later. It was epic. Ha ha?
I will blog another today to tell you all how I am finding college. ^_^
When I got home, I found a channel called Nicktoonsters or something like that, and it had The Wild Thornberrys on so I watched it. Then I had cheese and crackers for lunch. Oooooh, and then Charlie (Skies) called me, and then he called me again later. It was epic. Ha ha?
I will blog another today to tell you all how I am finding college. ^_^
The concert was really bad. We arrived, the bands weren't even on and it was Bollywood dancers. I was already exhausted due to the long walk from my house to Summer's house to the train station. I was not happy because it was boling and Summer made me wear my shorts. ¬_¬ I don't like not wearing my drainpipes, far too pale! Mwuhahaha! So, we went to Waterstones to see if they had the book I wanted, they did not. Then we went to Smith's to see if they had the book I wanted, and the que was too big so we went to get an ice cream shake from Baksins and Robbins (couldn't be bothered to walk up two floors to get to Ben and Jerry's ;]). Then we went to see the bands, because we heard the music. It was some white guy with a Rastifarian (sp?) and an a black guy, and they were good but the white guy couldn't rap. Anyway, we didn't even get to the end of their set and we got bored. So we got the train home. And I had to walk all the way home. By myself. Again. And then Summer had the cheek to ask me if I wanted to go back! :O Bitch. So, now I'm totally and utterly dead from all the walking and I'm REALLY sleepy and I need to go make food because my mum is in London and I'm really hungry but to be honest i can't be bothered. That was a really long sentence, I apologise. I also said 'really' a lot. Darn it. Bleh, I'm tired. *Sigh* Well, maybe I'll blog later... who knows?
School soon *gulps*
School soon *gulps*

So it is currently 01:38 in the morning and I have being inspired to blog. So tomorrow, well... today actually, I am going to the Freedom Musical Frestival in the next city (that sounds like Pokémon). I should really sleep as I have to get up early to walk from the shitty outskirts of the village (where I reside) to the center (where Summer resides) and then we must walk to get the choo choo train. ^_^ So I will write about the concert in my next entry.
I love it how I still fangirl when YouTubers I love comment me, ha ha. It's like *holds back temptation to propose marriage*
Because I can't get married, my heart belongs to Vivien.
Speaking of... look what she just said to me:
viv parrish says:
as long as i have rosy
viv parrish says:
nobody matters
I love it how I still fangirl when YouTubers I love comment me, ha ha. It's like *holds back temptation to propose marriage*
Because I can't get married, my heart belongs to Vivien.
Speaking of... look what she just said to me:
viv parrish says:
as long as i have rosy
viv parrish says:
nobody matters
However, we can break the marriage bond for two people. She wants Jimmy0000000000 (whatever his username is, I don't watch him *hides from Viv's abuse*) and of course my infactuation with Dave Days... and Edward Cullen, but let's be reasonable, he doesn't exist *sighs*

Rosyyy says:
I finally got Jake's autoplay, mwuhaha.
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
yeah well
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
im gonna get mike and nicks
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
and what the buck and steandkel are in my next collab
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
Well isn't he just a little ray of sunshine? ¬_¬
I'm just drinking Coca-Cola (what, again?) and listening to songs from the Buffy musical.
I really need to add people to my MSN, I have, *looks*, 11 contacts... including me.
Well, hello Miss Popular!
I finally got Jake's autoplay, mwuhaha.
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
yeah well
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
im gonna get mike and nicks
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
and what the buck and steandkel are in my next collab
starrycharlie[c=#3A7EC9]skies.[/c] says:
Well isn't he just a little ray of sunshine? ¬_¬
I'm just drinking Coca-Cola (what, again?) and listening to songs from the Buffy musical.
I really need to add people to my MSN, I have, *looks*, 11 contacts... including me.
Well, hello Miss Popular!
I love how for the past four years whenever I pass the skatepark in my village I always do the same things. This involves automatically turning my head to the left and scouting the park for skaters. Since I was 12, I've had a thing for skaters. Unless they are dirty. My best friend was a dirty skater boy, his eyebrow bar heeled up at school and I stuck it through again. He screamed and green stuff came out. Good times, good times. <3

I left the house for the first time in forever last night. Originally, Summer and I where just going to go for a walk, and then we saw our friends Mike, Mike and Adam. We followed them to Tesco, because it is awesome. Then we saw Calum and Dave (the joys of living in a village, you can't escape) and I got evil glares most of the night. It was fun. Obviously it was because I'm a horrible person, eh? ^_^
PS- I want Vivien to come and stay with me because my mum said she could.
PPS- Is it wrong I am considering changing my mobile tariff to O2 so I can update Twitter from my phone? Yeah, it probably is. I have OCT, 'Obsessive Compulsive Tweeting' at the moment.

But that means a whole new stage for the adventures of Wonder Wax and Super Stench. We have now defeated the evil Retardatron and her loyal sidekick Da Crunk Monk (don't ask). I wonder what adventures await us in college...
Sorry about the above paragraph, I find it better to deal reality if I use my alter egos. Super heroes ftw! ^_^
Yeah, so I got my GCSE results the other day. I could have done better. I got 3 A's (Literature, and two for ICT) and three B's (English Language, Religous Studies and art), a couple of C's (science, history, that kind of stuff) and then finally, my personal; favourites: The D's (German and maths). But, y'know... they were kind of predicted. ;-)
charlie rolf says:
miley cyrus is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Yeah well... YouTube is subbed to me
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
xtube is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
I've got redtube, so bring it bitch.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i would love to have like a subscriber war.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
residentmikelee would go totally asian on your ass
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Well I have shellshellann subbed to me, she would go American girl on your ass.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Okay, but if we're still having a sub war...
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
All of our YouTube friends were subbed to me first, they'd choose me .
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Leah, Wit, Viv, Jake ect. Mwuhahaha!
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
they would choose you anyway
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i admit defeat and shoot myself in the face
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Haha, yes ^_^ I win!
(Love you, Charlie! ^_^)
miley cyrus is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Yeah well... YouTube is subbed to me
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
xtube is subbed to me
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
I've got redtube, so bring it bitch.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i would love to have like a subscriber war.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
residentmikelee would go totally asian on your ass
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Well I have shellshellann subbed to me, she would go American girl on your ass.
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Okay, but if we're still having a sub war...
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
All of our YouTube friends were subbed to me first, they'd choose me .
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Leah, Wit, Viv, Jake ect. Mwuhahaha!
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
they would choose you anyway
charlie miley cyrus for president says:
i admit defeat and shoot myself in the face
Rosy is a Voldemort fangirl! says:
Haha, yes ^_^ I win!
(Love you, Charlie! ^_^)
Dear Vivien (or Chen),
I do think it is fate that we came accross each other over the internet. If you think of the thousands (or even millions, I'm not too sure) of people that access YouTube everyday, it really is destiny that we found each other. Two teenage girls that have twin personalities and get along like a house on fire (theres a kooky English saying for you) are hard enough to find, but when these two girls live at different sides of the Atlantic ocean , it really is amazing.
What makes this even better is the fact one day we are destined to meet. On the 14th June 2010 infact. We will have a glorious two years living together, I'm sure of it. Hopefully, our friendship will continue out of university and we will either own a bondage shop (like your own) or be the best journalists the world has ever seen.
My one wish would be that you get to live in England (because I know you'd love it here) and I could visit LA. We are both culturely missplaced.
Your partner of Team Cock-It.
Rosanna (or Pat)
I do think it is fate that we came accross each other over the internet. If you think of the thousands (or even millions, I'm not too sure) of people that access YouTube everyday, it really is destiny that we found each other. Two teenage girls that have twin personalities and get along like a house on fire (theres a kooky English saying for you) are hard enough to find, but when these two girls live at different sides of the Atlantic ocean , it really is amazing.
What makes this even better is the fact one day we are destined to meet. On the 14th June 2010 infact. We will have a glorious two years living together, I'm sure of it. Hopefully, our friendship will continue out of university and we will either own a bondage shop (like your own) or be the best journalists the world has ever seen.
My one wish would be that you get to live in England (because I know you'd love it here) and I could visit LA. We are both culturely missplaced.
Your partner of Team Cock-It.
Rosanna (or Pat)
The internet is a glorious thing.
In one night I have found the following things over MSN:
1) Vivien is a 57 year old, Japanese date rapist with an Australian accent. She also owns a bondage shop called 'Leather and Chains'.
2) Gabbie fails. End of discussion.
3) Jacob was so distraught that "I don't want him" he has told utubedrama "OMGOCTOPUS wants to marry JACOBDYERMEDIA."
Wow, I love my friends. ;-)
In one night I have found the following things over MSN:
1) Vivien is a 57 year old, Japanese date rapist with an Australian accent. She also owns a bondage shop called 'Leather and Chains'.
2) Gabbie fails. End of discussion.
3) Jacob was so distraught that "I don't want him" he has told utubedrama "OMGOCTOPUS wants to marry JACOBDYERMEDIA."
Wow, I love my friends. ;-)
My phone came today, not Friday. It's awesome.
Calum is funny!
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
My parents won't letme go to Taunton to see my cousins..
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
ffs, whats gunna happen with my cousins
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
are they gunna rape me?
Rose is sixteen! says:
Rose is sixteen! says:
theres a girl in my year at school
Rose is sixteen! says:
and her parents are cousins
Rose is sixteen! says:
and the girl is like freakishly smart
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
the relevance?
Calum is funny!
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
My parents won't letme go to Taunton to see my cousins..
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
ffs, whats gunna happen with my cousins
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
are they gunna rape me?
Rose is sixteen! says:
Rose is sixteen! says:
theres a girl in my year at school
Rose is sixteen! says:
and her parents are cousins
Rose is sixteen! says:
and the girl is like freakishly smart
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
[c=9][b]Calum[i]mm[/b][/i][/c=36] says:
the relevance?
Happy birthday to me. (And Harry Potter.)
Happy birthday to me. (And Harry Potter.)
Happy birthday, dear Rosy. (And Harry Potter.)
Happy birthday to me. (And Harry Potter.)
I know it was my birthday yesterday. Shut up. I was at a themepark holding on to a poorly constructed piece of metal that goes from 0-60 mph in 2 seconds. Fun?
I got 'The Bag' for my birthday. It is the nicest bag I have ever owned. Ever. And my new phone comes on friday.
Also, happy 1000 subscribers to me. My new video is posted, that has nothing to do with subscribers. However, I do use a lot of copyrighted music.
I'm most likely going to the same university as Vivien. We can watch the Mighty Boosh all day, every day.
And I'm going to the Harry Potter themepark opening with Leah, she has no say in the matter.
Happy birthday to me. (And Harry Potter.)
Happy birthday, dear Rosy. (And Harry Potter.)
Happy birthday to me. (And Harry Potter.)
I know it was my birthday yesterday. Shut up. I was at a themepark holding on to a poorly constructed piece of metal that goes from 0-60 mph in 2 seconds. Fun?
I got 'The Bag' for my birthday. It is the nicest bag I have ever owned. Ever. And my new phone comes on friday.
Also, happy 1000 subscribers to me. My new video is posted, that has nothing to do with subscribers. However, I do use a lot of copyrighted music.
I'm most likely going to the same university as Vivien. We can watch the Mighty Boosh all day, every day.
And I'm going to the Harry Potter themepark opening with Leah, she has no say in the matter.
All of this
I have decided I don't like putting titles on these any more.
Anyway, today I was supposed to be at Kayley's gathering. Boo, mother, boo!
But there is a gathering this week called the 'David' gathering which Charlie (issocoollike) has organised. Hopefully, I will be able to attend as Charlie and other YouTubers have left me countless comments begging my mum to let me go. You gotta love the YouTube community, right? ;]
Also, itscalum010 and I may be organising a small gathering later in August. Simply because all of us Northen YouTubers find it difficult to get to Leicster Square (where every freaking gathering takes place!).
I need to start saving money to go to the opening of the Harry Potter theme park in 2009. Even though none of my friends want to go with me! :[ Hmmm... I'll just start e-begging with all you American Tubers. You know you can't resist my oh-so-English accent!
Oh, yeah. Did anyone see my on the front page of UTubeDrama.com last week? I got lots of messages telling me. According to the website I'm a genderly confused emo kid.
Anyway, today I was supposed to be at Kayley's gathering. Boo, mother, boo!
But there is a gathering this week called the 'David' gathering which Charlie (issocoollike) has organised. Hopefully, I will be able to attend as Charlie and other YouTubers have left me countless comments begging my mum to let me go. You gotta love the YouTube community, right? ;]
Also, itscalum010 and I may be organising a small gathering later in August. Simply because all of us Northen YouTubers find it difficult to get to Leicster Square (where every freaking gathering takes place!).
I need to start saving money to go to the opening of the Harry Potter theme park in 2009. Even though none of my friends want to go with me! :[ Hmmm... I'll just start e-begging with all you American Tubers. You know you can't resist my oh-so-English accent!
Oh, yeah. Did anyone see my on the front page of UTubeDrama.com last week? I got lots of messages telling me. According to the website I'm a genderly confused emo kid.
(I miss Unfabulous, but at least I have the soundtrack. ;])
I just looked through my old Photobucket account... and I found a picture from 2006. Take a look:
What about last year, you ask? I was still pretty weird...
Okay, so what do I look like now, you may ask? Well, in my opinion; I am rather sexy. But, judge me for yourself! ;]
92% remaining.
(I hope charlieskies finishes my birthday collab in time... otherwise I will cry.)
So recently I have nearly finished Eclipse, read too much Death Note, concemplated over getting WoW and gone camping in a little kid's play tent.
I am five chapters into my story, I like it so far. But I need to build upthe blonde character's history, I left her too open and I don't like it.
Today I found a really nice vintage bag in my mummy's wardrobe so I decided to keep it. She doesn't know that yet.
(I hope charlieskies finishes my birthday collab in time... otherwise I will cry.)
So recently I have nearly finished Eclipse, read too much Death Note, concemplated over getting WoW and gone camping in a little kid's play tent.
I am five chapters into my story, I like it so far. But I need to build upthe blonde character's history, I left her too open and I don't like it.
Today I found a really nice vintage bag in my mummy's wardrobe so I decided to keep it. She doesn't know that yet.
Oh, the places you will go.
I forgot to mention that many of my video's comments at the moment seem to reflect around this:
"r u english??"
"no she is irish, duh!!"
"i thought she was from australia?"
"she is british, i think"
"isn't she from iraq????"
Okay, so the last one was a lie... ^__^ But do I really sound Irish/Australian? I didn't think so. I am English through and through... so now I most run up the apples and pairs to get the dog and bone. Yeah, I maybe English but I can't talk like a Cockney.
"Easy, geaser." ;-)
"r u english??"
"no she is irish, duh!!"
"i thought she was from australia?"
"she is british, i think"
"isn't she from iraq????"
Okay, so the last one was a lie... ^__^ But do I really sound Irish/Australian? I didn't think so. I am English through and through... so now I most run up the apples and pairs to get the dog and bone. Yeah, I maybe English but I can't talk like a Cockney.
"Easy, geaser." ;-)
Virtual Sea-Monkeys
As the title of this post suggests, I have just found a computer game called "Virtual Sea-Monkeys" in my cabinet. Why do I have this? I also found "Make Your Own Pokémon Stationary" and "Batman Activity Center". I was a strange, strange child.
My Mum had just bought all of my new bedroom furniture for my bedroom at our new house, which we will not live in untill next year. I believe that was very cruel as now I have to live in this stupid, pink, messy, pink, cluttered, pink bedroom. If you have seen my YouTube videos... you'll understand what I mean.
I have to get rid of half my possesions for the new house... so does anybody want my Togepi collection? I like Togepi.
Eclipse, so far, is slightly boring. *Yawn*
My "WWW Girl" cover has gone smoothly so far, I have not recieved, as I predicted, "z0mgzzz yoo sooooo copied italktosnakes!!1!one! go dieeeeeeeeeeee! stoopid head!"
I want, no... I need some Coke. (Beverage not drug) Ciao!
My Mum had just bought all of my new bedroom furniture for my bedroom at our new house, which we will not live in untill next year. I believe that was very cruel as now I have to live in this stupid, pink, messy, pink, cluttered, pink bedroom. If you have seen my YouTube videos... you'll understand what I mean.
I have to get rid of half my possesions for the new house... so does anybody want my Togepi collection? I like Togepi.
Eclipse, so far, is slightly boring. *Yawn*
My "WWW Girl" cover has gone smoothly so far, I have not recieved, as I predicted, "z0mgzzz yoo sooooo copied italktosnakes!!1!one! go dieeeeeeeeeeee! stoopid head!"
I want, no... I need some Coke. (Beverage not drug) Ciao!
G'day, mate.
Right, so recently I haven't done much. I mean, school is over, yet I appear to be taking on the role of a social recluse. Recently, I have been drinking a lot of tropical orange Bacardi Breezers, simply because been alone in a house fills me with a lot of boredom. Actually, I'm drinking one as we speak, and it's only 17:08! Disgraceful! But, mmm, it tastes like an orange freeze pop... y'know, with 4% alcohol ;-)
Other than slightly intoxicating myself I have been singing along to The Rocket Summer and The Fratellis and indulging myself in Heroes and Gossip Girl. It's the Heroes finale next week, booooo!
I'm boiling now because I'm wearing a black t shirt, my vintage Blondie one. I was wearing my white cat one which was featured in British Vogue a few times... but I spilt pasta on it! :-(
I also just finished reading Twilight, it is pure amazing... I finished in less than nine hours, and I need to go the city again and buy the next two books.
It sucks living in a small town that nobody has ever heard of, we have two book shops. One is a Christian bookshop which sells every bible you could imagine and the other is a tiny little thing and the only book I have purchased from it was The Lord of The Flies, which I still haven't finish... darn it. Ahh, well, Stephen King out ruled him.
I'm sorta, kinda in love with Edward Cullen... just a tad.
I want to be a robot.
Welcome to Rosannia, please leave all hopes and dreams at the entrance.
I recently sat my English Language GCSE, and oh boy, it was a breeze. The question I choose to answer was "Describe a dream world" I think that I was the only person to notice that the question was not asking about your own personal dream world, but about 'a' dream world. I interpreted this as it being universal. A universal dream world that one day we may achieve. My dream world was revolving around politics. And how I think they could help the world if they just tried. My dream world will take place a few centuries from now, if things go according to plan. And by that time the world would be so.. well, amazing that all sorts of species will want to live with us. The new species will bring there technologies with them and our world can advance with them. Over population would never be a problem because we would be able to build underwater cities, maybe even rent out villas in Atlantis for holidays, and some species could live 30000 feet in the air, with the help of new and improved gravity rules. No offense, Isaac Newton.
Doesn't that world sound great? It was rather well written, If I don't say so myself... I want my A* now please!
Yes, you heard it folks. There will be updates.
So, as you may have noticed I deleted the videos entitled "What's My Age Again?" and "I'm Leaving YouTube Because..." but don't have a fit!
I know what you're thinking;
"Rosanna, Rosanna! Why have you deleted your most famous video? I mean, Walllofweird likes it for God's sake!"
I had to delete it for personal reasons, but it may come back depending on how I feel.
So, updates, updates, updates!
Coming soon will be a collaboration with the one and only, Charlieskies! Well, maybe a few collabs... we have many ideas!
And you can expect more videos like "Impressions of 2005."
Isn't it ironic?
So, I just had to go into my Dad's bedroom and turn his TV off for him because he'd fallen asleep. Ironic, right? I can't sleep nowadays, hence the URL of my new Blog. I created this new one because I rambled too much on the old one... well, in my opinion I did. I might play Pokémon Red soon, I always play it when I can't sleep, although it probably makes it worse...
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