
You drive us wild, we'll drive you craaaazy.

Oh, fuck. Look, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot about this blog. Last night, at 4am when I was just drifting off to sleep, I suddenly remembered about it. I then spent the next half an hour obsessively googling until I remembered the URL and then another half hour reading the nearly two years worth of posts I had on it. I came to the conclusions that 1) I was ridiculously whiney and annoying and just sdadjkdjskd and 2) my Internet life was significantly more social back in the day. I posted a lot about wanting a cat so I guess I should clarify that I got one of those and he's the best. I also seemed to be waging a war with myself on whether I should do an English degree or not and two years later I can safely say that I made the wrong choice. The plan is to hopefully come back to this blog, I'd like to say I've managed to stick with one of the many social networks I started in 2008 since my illicit affair with YouTube was clearly not meant to be. Nonetheless, I think we have a good thing going here, Blogger. I mean, if you can put up with self indulgent fashion posts that is. Other than rekindling our long lost love, this year I would very much like to achieve:

1) A 2:1 in my second year of uni.
2) Stop being blonde because four years is really enough but I'm just too scared
3) Give metaphorical CPR to my wreck of a social life.
4) Stab Topshop and its evil brain controlling ways in its evil brain controlling head.

I hope this was a decent enough comeback post and that I don't forget about you again within the next two weeks. I start university again on Monday so hopefully my WOO OH YEAH I'M GONNA BE SO GOOD THIS SEMESTER WOOOOO attitude will continue over to le old blog if I convince myself that it is 'networking'. Yeah. Let's see how this goes, shall we?