
End of Teenage Years Panic Attack

In case you haven't been paying attention to what I've been complaining about for the past few months, I turn twenty in five days and I'm having a little bit of a breakdown as I inherited a horrible case of Peter Pan Syndrome from my dad.  Since I came to terms with the fact I won't be able to travel back in time or delay my inevitable ageing, I'm trying to focus on everything else I hate about myself.  I've pretty much gone on a HEALTH KICK WOOOOO in which I've cut out my daily Coca-Cola and stopped eating bread and dairy and in its place I'm drinking lots of water and trying new fruit and things :3 It's pretty fun.  I'm also attempting to walk ~*~just for the fun of it~*~ and I may even invest in a treadmill if I decide I like it... but that's pretty much just so I can watch Netflix at the same time and also because my mother thinks I'll get raped outside.

Not to worry though, I'll be in London for Summer in the City in August and the YouTube gathering diet is the most effective weight loss tool you can ask for.  One meal a day and lots of walking for three days?  Sure, why not?


July Wish List: 20th Birthday Edition

I turn twenty at the end of this month, so to stop myself from crying about being a ~*~proper grownup~*~ every night/morning at five am, I resorted to stalking the Topshop website to remind myself about the only good thing birthdays bring: presents!  I always have bad luck on my birthdays, so I cling to the hope of presents to make it all feel better.  In addition to all of this, there was a gorgeous army jacket that seems to have sold out within a day... much like the gorgeous vintage Disney backpack I wanted before my stupid iPad didn't send me the notification to say it was ending on eBay.  Waaaah.  Anyway, I leave you with this very, uh, khaki inspired wish list which makes me wish that I didn't throw out the gorgeous camouflage print skinny jeans I got from Zara Kids when I was thirteen.  At least it's a change from the pastel obsession I've being suffering from since January.  Birthday presents appreciated and all that jazz.